Thursday, 9 June 2011

You’re God-sent to your world

As previously stated, the word “nations” used in the scripture above is from the Greek word, “ethnos”, which refers to a group of people with common interest, characteristics or vision. If for instance, you’re a banker, the banking world is your “ethnos”- that’s your world, where the lord Jesus expects you to make students or pupils.
  Making disciples or students of those in your world means showing them how to live; being an example, taking the message of the gospel to them. Sometimes, Christians get more engrossed with being members of a group than actually carrying out the primary assignment of soul winning- which is the reason they are in that group. Often times, we pride ourselves in our jobs, trades, or associations, forgetting that God had an original plan when he placed us in that career or business environment
  The lord Jesus told a parable about the kingdom of heaven saying it’s ….” Like unto treasure hid in a field; they which when a man found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field” Matthew 13:14”. What was more important to the man wasn’t the field but the treasure in the field. I the same way, God isn’t particularly fascinated about where you work; he’s more interested in the souls you can win for him in your sphere of contact- in your “ethnos.” That’s what matters to him, for it’s the souls of men Jesus died to save.
Soul winning is very vital to God and you should be like-minded. God trusted Philip that he would do what he wanted him to do when he sent him to the Ethiopian eunuch. Acts 8:29-30. Let God trust you too. He has committed to us the preaching of the gospel; it’s not optional but something we must do. It’s not only for the evangelists or pastor. It’s for every Christian. The only reason you’re on your job is because God sent you there for a purpose- to those in darkness- your colleagues, associates and those you relate with on a daily basis. He wants you to teach them the way of the kingdom and make them students of the word. Make them followers of Jesus and his gospel. That’s your assignment to everyone in your world.

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