African is a great country where you can become whatever you desire and prosper beyond your imagination. However, some people only have the short end of the stick, and the reason is that they’re ignorant of God’s principle as revealed in his word. You can use the amazing revelation in Hebrews 11:3 to change the circumstances of your life. You can re-create your world, and effect positive changes, be it in your profession, marriage, finances-whatever it is, you can change it. In fact, it’s your responsibility to effect a change, even from glory to glory.
You can use God’s principle as revealed in the book of Genesis. The bible says,” the earth was barren, with no form of life; it was under a roaring ocean covered with darkness. But the spirit of God was moving over the water” genesis 1:2 CEV). Barren, lifeless and darkness: these were the words used in the scripture to describe the earth before God spoke and all creation leaped into being.
If you think the conditions of your school, the estate where you live, your place of work or in the nation at large is in a deplorable state, and then you can do what God did. You can recreate your world. You don’t have to cry or complain about the situation to change it the whole earth was full of darkness and remained a chaotic mass until God spoke. And when he spoke, things changed (Genesis 1:2-27)! And when he was through, the bible says that everything was very good (Genesis 1:31).
I want you to know that the same thing can happen in our nation when you speak the right words. Have a mental picture and begin to incubate upon the changes you want to make in your life and in our nations by meditating on what God has said in his word about the situation. Before long, you’ll receive rhema-God’s word of power, which when spoken forth changes things. That’s the word you must use to recreate your mind.
God’s words in your mouth are the power you need; that’s the same word that created and upholds the universe. Put that power to work today; speak the word in faith, and re-create your word!
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