Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Find out what he wants

The fact that you strongly desire something doesn’t mean your desire is from God. Also, that you got something you desired doesn’t mean it was God’s perfect will for you to have it. Someone may then ask, “Does God give people what he doesn’t want them to have?” emphatically yes; when you get importunate with him by becoming persistent and unrelenting in your request! The bible reveals this.
       Did you ever read of Balaam? He asked God if he could honor king balak’s invitation for him to curse the children of Israel, and God said no. he asked three times, yet God didn’t permit him. But finally, when he wouldn’t stop asking, God allowed him to. But then in numbers 22:22 the bible says” And God’s anger was kindled because he went: and the angel of the lord stood in the way for an adversary against him…..” Also, when the children of Israel were thirsty and wanted water, God instructed noses to strike the rock with his rod for the rock to produce water. When he did, water came out and the people drank. The next time the people asked for water, God, this time, specifically asked Moses to go in the presence of the people and talk to the rock to bring forth water. Well, he got there, and because he was angry with the people he struck the rock instead of talking to it, and water came out. In fact, the bible says” the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also” (numbers 20:11) but god was angry with Moses. Just because water came out didn’t mean it was God. Do you see the point? That you got what you asked for or that something seems to be working out is no proof it came from God. You have to find out what he wants; first from his words, then when it concerns a specific issue in your life, he’ll guide you by his spirit. You have to learn to align yourself with his will, not by you telling him what you want, but by finding out from him what he wants for your life. Understand that we’re God’s children, and God doesn’t hold back from us; instead, what he does is to teach us and guide us in the direction of his perfect will. Therefore, learn and walk in his perfect will for your life.

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