Friday, 10 June 2011

You must be prosperity conscious

God has given you everything you’ll ever need to live in perpetual prosperity. He has already made adequate plans for you to live successfully and victoriously every day. According to the bible, he has given us everything we require for both life and godly living (2 peter 1:3). That means you can be as rich as you desire. All you need is to know everything that has been provided for you in Christ through the word.
   There are those who specialize in reminding others of their financial limitations. “You know you can’t afford to give so much. You know we are poor,” they say. Devoid of spiritual understanding, they teach and preach against prosperity. You must avoid such doctrines.
  The lord Jesus never told us Christians to work our way to prosperity. Our prosperity actually began when we accepted him into our hearts. According to 2 Corinthians 8:9, he has already made you rich. If you’re not yet enjoying your wealth it’s because you’ve not yet renewed your mind (Romans 12:2; you’re not yet conscious of your prosperity in Christ Jesus. You need to keep your focus on what God says and disregard every contrary information. You’re “the blessed of the lord” and he has made you the head and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13).promotion belongs to you. You’re more than a conqueror irrespective of the circumstances (Roman 8:37).
Colossians 3:16 says, “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom…..”This is what you need to do in order to build a new consciousness in your spirit. Think prosperity, not lack; speak wealth, not poverty. It makes no difference how deep and dark the dungeon is, like Joseph, you’ll surely come out a success. Remember job 22:29; “when men are cast down, then thou shalt say, there is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person.”

Be on the offensive

As Christians, we’re to constantly launch an onslaught against the enemy. The bible says our adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour (1peter 5:8). No wonder the bible admonishes us to arm ourselves in readiness to be on the offensive against him by putting on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:11). Some people believe the devil is very powerful and as a result, they always try to avoid talking about him. “It’s better to let sleeping dogs lie. If I don’t bother the devil, he won’t bother me.” But that’s wrong. You have to be on the offensive against the devil before he starts messing things up around you. The bible says for us to give no place to the devil (Ephesians 4:27). In other words, don’t give him any breathing space or the opportunity to run things amuck around you. Rather, everyday, go against him with the word! That’s the sword with which we cut the devil down any time he shows up.
  So, in your home, work place, or wherever you find yourself, be on the offensive against the devil. Maybe things haven’t really been going on well in your home and it’s as though the devil has been having a field day; it’s time for you to exercise dominion. Don’t sit idly by and watch things degenerate further. Begin to control the atmosphere in your home from the realm of the spirit.
You don’t have to shout when you’re doing this. Just sit in one spot and begin to declare the word of God. Say, “I take dominion over this home in the name of Jesus. I rebuke lack, poverty, sickness and disease. I declare that there’s health abundant wealth and prosperity in my home, in the name of Jesus. I banish the devil and his entire works of darkness from my family and from around me. I declare that there’s tremendous peace in my home, at work, in my finances and every area of my life, in the name of Jesus!”

It’s by grace

There’s a supernatural elixir in the life of the Christian that differentiates him from the rest of the word. It’s called grace! The most popular definition of grace is probably “unmerited favour.” But this definition is inadequate! Grace is the glory of God in the life of a Christian that brings about favour, prosperity, healing and supernatural increase. It’s the manifestation of love, compassion and power of God. It’s the outward reflection of a divine influence that makes anything possible to him. That grace came upon your life the moment you were born again.
   You should never compare yourself with the world, for you have something at work in your life that gives you the advantage over the people and system of the world. The bible says, “for God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travil, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God…” (Ecclesiastes 2:26). What a life we have in Christ Jesus! There’s absolutely nothing in this world, including its fame or fortune that can be compared with what you have in Christ Jesus. “For out of his fullness (abundance) we have all received {all had a share and we were all supplied with} one grace after another (and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing (and) even favor upon favor (and) gift {heaped} upon gift” (john 1:16 Amp). Hallelujah! The wealth of the heathen are laid up for you. But some Christians are ignorant of this reality; hence, they walk through life feeling miserable because of the prosperity of unbelievers. In Paul’s admonition to timothy, he said, “thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2 timothy 2:1). That grace is already working in your life, but you must learn to take advantage of and be strong in it, for that’s the sure way to live victoriously in Christ.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

You can re-create your world

African is a great country where you can become whatever you desire and prosper beyond your imagination. However, some people only have the short end of the stick, and the reason is that they’re ignorant of God’s principle as revealed in his word. You can use the amazing revelation in Hebrews 11:3 to change the circumstances of your life. You can re-create your world, and effect positive changes, be it in your profession, marriage, finances-whatever it is, you can change it. In fact, it’s your responsibility to effect a change, even from glory to glory.
   You can use God’s principle as revealed in the book of Genesis. The bible says,” the earth was barren, with no form of life; it was under a roaring ocean covered with darkness. But the spirit of God was moving over the water” genesis 1:2 CEV). Barren, lifeless and darkness: these were the words used in the scripture to describe the earth before God spoke and all creation leaped into being.
  If you think the conditions of your school, the estate where you live, your place of work or in the nation at large is in a deplorable state, and then you can do what God did. You can recreate your world. You don’t have to cry or complain about the situation to change it the whole earth was full of darkness and remained a chaotic mass until God spoke. And when he spoke, things changed (Genesis 1:2-27)! And when he was through, the bible says that everything was very good (Genesis 1:31).
  I want you to know that the same thing can happen in our nation when you speak the right words. Have a mental picture and begin to incubate upon the changes you want to make in your life and in our nations by meditating on what God has said in his word about the situation. Before long, you’ll receive rhema-God’s word of power, which when spoken forth changes things. That’s the word you must use to recreate your mind.
    God’s words in your mouth are the power you need; that’s the same word that created and upholds the universe. Put that power to work today; speak the word in faith, and re-create your word!

You’re God-sent to your world

As previously stated, the word “nations” used in the scripture above is from the Greek word, “ethnos”, which refers to a group of people with common interest, characteristics or vision. If for instance, you’re a banker, the banking world is your “ethnos”- that’s your world, where the lord Jesus expects you to make students or pupils.
  Making disciples or students of those in your world means showing them how to live; being an example, taking the message of the gospel to them. Sometimes, Christians get more engrossed with being members of a group than actually carrying out the primary assignment of soul winning- which is the reason they are in that group. Often times, we pride ourselves in our jobs, trades, or associations, forgetting that God had an original plan when he placed us in that career or business environment
  The lord Jesus told a parable about the kingdom of heaven saying it’s ….” Like unto treasure hid in a field; they which when a man found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field” Matthew 13:14”. What was more important to the man wasn’t the field but the treasure in the field. I the same way, God isn’t particularly fascinated about where you work; he’s more interested in the souls you can win for him in your sphere of contact- in your “ethnos.” That’s what matters to him, for it’s the souls of men Jesus died to save.
Soul winning is very vital to God and you should be like-minded. God trusted Philip that he would do what he wanted him to do when he sent him to the Ethiopian eunuch. Acts 8:29-30. Let God trust you too. He has committed to us the preaching of the gospel; it’s not optional but something we must do. It’s not only for the evangelists or pastor. It’s for every Christian. The only reason you’re on your job is because God sent you there for a purpose- to those in darkness- your colleagues, associates and those you relate with on a daily basis. He wants you to teach them the way of the kingdom and make them students of the word. Make them followers of Jesus and his gospel. That’s your assignment to everyone in your world.

Believe in yourself; you’re God best!

One of the biggest truths ever to be communicated to us from the word of God is that as an individual, you’re God’s own handiwork. You’re his reproduction; his perfectly crafted and excellently created masterpiece. When you know this, you’ll believe in yourself, and value yourself more. This is the reason you should never think failure! God has never made a failure; therefore, you should not fail.
  You were created for success and the good life. Sickness, poverty, disease, death and the down-life are not consistent with your true nature and identity; therefore, never condescend to their level. God made you for his glory; you’re a wonder- a product of divine orchestration and a miracle going somewhere to happen! You’re God’s dream come true; so, never look down on yourself. It doesn’t matter what others call you; what matters is what you call yourself, based on what God has called you and made you. He has made you rich, healthy, victorious, super-intelligent and influential. Therefore, say “yes, lord; I am what you say I am. I believe in what you’ve made me to be. I believe in my prosperity, health, success, promotion and increase. I see myself making progress and moving forward.” You’re God’s best. God gave birth to you in order to show you off as the crown of all his creation (James 1:18 MSG.) you’re first-class of all his creation, called to display his virtues and perfections. Therefore, see the future, and see your greatness! See God using you to do great and mighty things and touching lives all over the world. You were made for his glory and perfected for the good life-see yourself that way, and believe in yourself.

Pray as a priest speak as a king

Every country is blessed to have so many Christians, but still so many people are yet to hear the good news of Christ’s salvation. This is why it’s important for us as God’s people to pray for Christian ministries, ministers of the gospel, and fellow believers in their efforts to evangelize our nation. We must pray that more doors of opportunity will open for the gospel to be preached unhindered throughout our country. To this end, we must pray continually for the impact of the gospel via the various media- the internet, TV, radio print, etc. this is very important, because through the internet, TV and radio, books and journals, the gospel message can get where a man or a group of people may not be able to go. From revelation 1:6 and revelation 5:10, we understand that God has made us “king-priests.” As priests of God, you pray for all those who hear the gospel and declare in the name of Jesus that as they believe and receive it, no devil will steal the word from their hearts. As a king, command the devil to withdraw his thoughts and stop his manipulations in people’s minds, in the name of Jesus.
Decree that souls are being won into the kingdom of God from all over the country and that they’re being established in the truth of God’s words. As you pray this way, you’ll see visions of God. You’ll see sinners not only coming to Christ, but also preaching the gospel and winning others. You’ll see churches that used to be empty now packed out with people; you’ll see churches springing up in places that hitherto rejected the gospel. If you do this, you’ll be functioning in your office as a praying priest and a reigning king. Take some time today to pray for the impact of the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ in our country. Pray and decree God’s word as the king-priest that you are.

Secure the future through prayer

Throughout the scriptures, you’ll find the lord Jesus and the apostles admonishing the saints to pray. I’m also charging you today not to neglect times of prayer, especially corporate prayer. Don’t be in the habit of excusing yourself from prayer meetings. Do you realize that it’s the prayers of Christians from years ago that created the evangelism opportunities and spread of the gospel in this nation today? As a nation, we have enjoyed their deposits of prayers. The problem, however, is that we’ve been drawing heavily on those deposits and they’re fast running out. It’s high time we went into our prayer closets and started heaping up prayer deposits for the years ahead!
 Recognize that prayer helps to position you or the one you’re praying for in God’s will, not only for the present but also for the future. Some of the prayers you prayed for the country today may be for years to come. If you neglect to pray now, you may just be losing an opportunity to put things in place or set things right in the future. God has a timetable and there are cycles in the affairs of men. When the time comes for something to be done, the spirit of God will seek to guide his children into bringing it forth. Often, this happens in the place of prayer (read Daniel 9:2-23). But if you’re not sensitive and you miss the moment and the cycle passes, your praying afterwards may not bring that opportunity back until that cycle returns again. And only God knows the duration of that cycle; one may be four weeks, four years, or even forty or four hundred years. This is why prayer is not something to be handled frivolously. When we pray for our country, we’re dealing with her future and that of unborn generations- and that’s serious business. The spirit of God is prompting us to change our attitude to prayer for our country. Let’s start praying now and secure not only the present but also our future and the future of our great nation.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Find out what he wants

The fact that you strongly desire something doesn’t mean your desire is from God. Also, that you got something you desired doesn’t mean it was God’s perfect will for you to have it. Someone may then ask, “Does God give people what he doesn’t want them to have?” emphatically yes; when you get importunate with him by becoming persistent and unrelenting in your request! The bible reveals this.
       Did you ever read of Balaam? He asked God if he could honor king balak’s invitation for him to curse the children of Israel, and God said no. he asked three times, yet God didn’t permit him. But finally, when he wouldn’t stop asking, God allowed him to. But then in numbers 22:22 the bible says” And God’s anger was kindled because he went: and the angel of the lord stood in the way for an adversary against him…..” Also, when the children of Israel were thirsty and wanted water, God instructed noses to strike the rock with his rod for the rock to produce water. When he did, water came out and the people drank. The next time the people asked for water, God, this time, specifically asked Moses to go in the presence of the people and talk to the rock to bring forth water. Well, he got there, and because he was angry with the people he struck the rock instead of talking to it, and water came out. In fact, the bible says” the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also” (numbers 20:11) but god was angry with Moses. Just because water came out didn’t mean it was God. Do you see the point? That you got what you asked for or that something seems to be working out is no proof it came from God. You have to find out what he wants; first from his words, then when it concerns a specific issue in your life, he’ll guide you by his spirit. You have to learn to align yourself with his will, not by you telling him what you want, but by finding out from him what he wants for your life. Understand that we’re God’s children, and God doesn’t hold back from us; instead, what he does is to teach us and guide us in the direction of his perfect will. Therefore, learn and walk in his perfect will for your life.

Seek the peace of the nation

This was the lord’s instruction to the children of Israel when they were captives in the city of Babylon. As Christians, this scripture also emphasizes the relevance of our sojourn in the nation where we live. In our case, we’re not in captivity, but the lord has placed us here with the same expectation. Put simply, we’re responsible to God and to the country to seek its peace and pray to the lord for it. Firstly, he said we should seek the peace of the country. The word “peace” here doesn’t just refer to calmness and quietness or absence of hostilities. It derives from the Hebrew word “shalom” which means completeness, wholeness, perfect wellbeing, welfare, prosperity, and health. Seeking the peace of a nation means doing everything possible to have a nation where everything works and guarantees the comfort of its people. So, it doesn’t matter where you are, or what you do, this is a call to you as an individual to seek the progress of the nation. The lord also charged us to pray for the country. This is our solemn and sovereign responsibility. “To pray” means to intervene or to meditate. That means you should intervene in prayer for the nation. We all want to be able to move in our streets freely and fearless of molestation; we want to commute on better roads; we want law and order without abuse of human rights; we want a cleaner environment; we want to put a stop to frequent electric power interruption and minimize the use of generation; we went to see a better nation where its citizens are treated with respect and decency. These are a few of some of the things we should pray about, and we must do so without ceasing (1Thessalonians 5:17); we must not give up!
         Therefore, beginning from your immediate sphere of contact, do your bit to ensure the peace and prosperity of the country. Remember, in the peace of the nation is your own peace as an individual. Therefore, seek the peace of our country; work and pray for her wellbeing for if things go well for the country, things will go well for you.