For many years, I prayed and believed God for outstanding miracles concerning my job. I went for some interviews without result. Sometime back, I mentioned it to my pastor who advised me to keep busy with other business that I will secure a good job at the right time. I always sowed my seeds believing God’s word. Last year, I submitted an application to the federal Establishment after they advertised on my profession; they later called for an interview in May this year. Before the date of the same interview, I met an old classmate who works in the same place and she assured me that my profession was urgently needed. I came to church the following Sunday full of expectation to hear a word concerning my situation and it came to pass as my pastor was ministering, full of the anointing, she told us that we need to organize a corporate prayer and fasting as a church towards our promotion, speed, and to remove any delay in Jesus name. That was the word I needed; so I ‘lambanoed’ it and participated wholeheartedly in the prayer and fasting and quickly sowed my seed. The following week, I received a call that I should come with my original credentials. When I got to the office, the head of the department told me that the chief medical director needed my attention. We went to his office and after going through my credentials, he commented on my application letter that I should be given an immediate appointment. It was like a dream to me! Two days later, I collected my appointment letter and resumed work as a staff of the federal republic of Nigeria, without interview or anything attached. God has made me a wonder to my world as people wonder how I made it. If you are just like me, believe me there is hope for you, it doesn’t matter the situation you are facing right now all you need do is to believe on God’s word. God’s word has the final say.
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